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El Cielo ¿Es REAL?
Por motivos diferentes, millones de personas anticipan ...

Q & A

What does the Bible say about interracial marriage?
“And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to d...

Audio Blog

Can the dead come back and visit us?
Can the dead come back and visit us? Doesn't the witch ...

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Now you can dig deeper into the teachings of the Bible through this free online Bible course. These Bible Study Guides are easy to follow and can be studied at your own pace....

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Ultimate Resource
In a time of so many distractions—television, Internet, etc.—Bible study is fast becoming obsolete. Yet God promises huge blessings for those who daily receive His bread of truth....

Creation and Evolution

Was the world created in six literal days?
Was the world created in six literal days? Some have su...

First Advent

Betrayed by a Friend
Judas the betrayer did not forget the part he was to ac...

BU Blog

The book of Joshua serves as a sequel of sorts to the P...

Hymn of the Day

What a Friend We Have in Jesus
What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear; What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer! O what peace we ofte...

Bible Trivia

Bible Quiz on The Rapture
Are you rapture ready? Take this simple Bible quiz and see how well you comprehend what the Bible teaches about the rapture....

Second Coming

Stars Fall From Heaven
The great star shower took place on the night of Novemb...


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