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Resting the Land

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Algunas de las historias más dramáticas e intrépidas de...

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Now you can dig deeper into the teachings of the Bible through this free online Bible course. These Bible Study Guides are easy to follow and can be studied at your own pace....

Bible Trivia

Bible Quiz on Health
What does the Bible say about food? Take this simple Bible quiz and see how well you know what the Bible says about health....

Creation and Evolution

Are dinosaurs Satan's animals?
Are dinosaurs Satan's counterfeit creatures from before...

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Ultimate Resource
In a time of so many distractions—television, Internet, etc.—Bible study is fast becoming obsolete. Yet God promises huge blessings for those who daily receive His bread of truth....

Second Coming

The Destruction of Jerusalem
It is a matter of historical fact that Jerusalem was de...

Hymn of the Day

Welcome, Day of Sweet Repose
Welcome, day of sweet repose! Blessed be thy sacred hours! We would trust the One who knows All our weak and failing powers. 2. Welcome, da...

Audio Blog

Do Christians go to heaven immediately after they die?
If you're generally a good person, when you die do you ...

First Advent

Lots Cast for His Clothes
In the sufferings of Christ upon the cross prophecy was...

Q & A

What does the Bible say about the Trinity?
The names of God reveal attributes of His nature. God h...

BU Blog

Written in Judah’s final days as a nation, during and a...


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